new lead
Fujii Itsuki sat at her table that night, and wrote.
Aki had tried hard to think of clues to solve this mystery. She thought the only way that she could be confused with someone else was that the other person also had the same name as hers. At once, she thought of the male Fujii Itsuki, her classmate in high school. She could not recall much of her classmate, it had been ten years already. Still, she would write to Hiroko of this new information. The next morning, Hiroko and Shigeru were bidding farewell to their friend. The friend's house was just next to the post office. Just at this time, Aki had her letter that she had just written and she cycled to the post office to mail it. As Aki cycled by, Hiroko noticed this person who looked remarkably like her. She remembered what the taxi-driver had said, and had entertained the idea that Aki looked like her. Instinctively, she called out, "Aki!"
Aki stopped. She slowly turned her head to look backwards. She thought the voice came from behind, but she could not see who it was who called her. Hiroko, however, was able to see Aki. She could be her twin sister; they were so alike. Aki gave up and continued her way to the post office. When Hiroko returned to Kobe, the new letter from Aki made perfect sense. The address that Hiroko had taken from the graduation album was the female Aki's. She must have missed the other address. Although this was quite a coincidence, it made everything fit together. Hiroko decided to visit Mrs Fujii again. "Yes, I knew there were two Aki's in the class" Hiroko took the album and tried to find the other Aki. "Does she look like me?" Hiroko asked Aki's mother, pointed at the girl. "What do you mean?" "Well," Hiroko hesitated, "Aki told me that he really loved me, but I wonder if the reason he loved me was because I reminded him of this girl. I really don't know what to think if it were the case." Mrs Fujii smiled, "Please, Hiroko, just love my Aki. That's all I ask."