A love from the past

Aki wrote another letter days later when she got home from hospital.

Dear Hiroko,

The very last time I saw your Aki was during the funeral of my father. I did not attend school for that week because I had to stay at home for the mourning. Your Aki dropped by to pay his respects. He had a book with a white cover called "Remembrance of Things Past" and he wanted me to return his book for him because he said he couldn't. When I went back to school after that week, I was told that your Aki had transferred school. That was the last I heard of him.

Sincerely, Aki


Hiroko wrote back.

Dear Aki,

I enclose here all your letters and photographs that you have sent me. I'm thankful of all that you've written and done for me. But these are your memories, and so you should keep it.

Sincerely, Hiroko


Aki was reading this reply when the door bell rang. She looked out; the librarians from Otaru High were outside. They appeared very cheerful. "We've come to give you something!" one of the girls presented Aki a white book, which was "Remembrance of Things Past".

"We found this book recently during our treasure hunt, and found something inside which we thought maybe you'd like to keep. Take a look at the library card in it!"

Aki pulled out the card from the book pocket. She turned it over, and watched in silence. On the back of the card was a clear and detailed sketch.

It was a picture of her face.